Sunday, 3 November 2013 pilgrimage

Exactly one month ago today, after a whooping 85 days of trekking I walked into Rome. The journey was a long one with moments of weakness, exhilaration, uncontrollable crying and laughter all rolled into one, making it an experience I will definitely never forget. To all those I met along the way, THANK YOU! you've changed my life forever and I will cherish you always.


  1. Thankyou for sharing and Congratulations. I have just discovered your blog and am set for a few hoursof enjoyable reading ciao ciao

  2. I have just discovered your blog also, and looking at your beautiful photos reminds me of the pilgrimage I shared, much of it on the same paths as you, with 2 girlfriends. We very nearly met up, as we started in Lausanne in September!! My only regret is that we met so few pilgrims, less than a dozen, in three weeks of walking. Ciao!!
